8 de gen. 2016


Una de les millors parodies de la xarxa. I desprès diuen que els científics no tenim humor... Amb tots vosaltres, G.T.C.A.!

Pd: Estudio Bioquímica ;)


Enyzme, whatcha doin’ today
I said enzyme, want to make DNA
I said enzyme, show me your binding way
Let me mix you with some primers
Enzyme, time to build a new strand
I said enzyme, cause I know that you can
I said enzyme, these letters also spell DAN
All we need to get things started
Is just a little bit of G.T.C.A.
I can build DNA
I can be a big star
you’re the key to my P.C.R!
that’s right I’m talking ’bout
just a little bit of G.T.C.A!
I can make some new strands
I can view all my bands
I can be the best that I can
Enzyme, you have come a long way
But in my lab
demands are higher today
I said enzyme, now it’s time to go fast
We have got to increase throughput
Enzyme, i think I found what I need
It’s an enzyme, it gives me much higher speed
It goes so fast, when it builds DNA
All we need to get it started
Is just a little bit of G.T.C.A!
Is just a little bit of G.T.C.A!
I can build D.N.A.
I can reach for the stars
I can do faster P.C.R!
That’s right I’m talking ’bout
Just a little bit of G.T.C.A.
I can make bigger strands
I can view better bands
I can be the best that I can
bases nitrogenades
A.G.T.C. o G.T.C.A.? en que quedem?

2 comentaris:

  1. Tot un clàssic dels científics frikis! Els bq ens partim de riure amb aquestes coses, la resta del món no ens entén, però és igual. És boníssim! Prova amb aquest d'uns metges que ens ajuden a diagnosticar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBI5lUjetzA

  2. A mi em marginen quan començo a parlar de videos parodia... Aquest altre video em dona una idea una mica vaga de la vida al laboratori: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7uCcRfrQ0A (Me'l volia reservar per a una altra entrada, per quan hi hagin vaques primes, però vaja, tirem-ho tot per la borda!)



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